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Frosted Maple Bars by Colleen

Tastes like a Maple Donut

I made these after visiting Charlotte in Maine where maple flavored items are common, and realizing that I have been gifted many bottles of good maple syrup that were languishing in my pantry. Tastes like a maple donut, but has the consistency of a soft shortbread 

Tom wanted to know if maple extract is necessary.  Colleens says:  I do use maple extract because I find the maple flavor does not come through as much as l like with just the maple syrup.  I will also say that when I made up the recipe, I went with what some might consider an EXCESSIVE amount of frosting.  One does end up with about a 1:1 ratio of cookie to frosting.  You could probably safely cut the frosting in half and still have plenty.  This cookie is super popular with some people - not everyone loves maple, but people/kids who do, love this.  It’s a big favorite with the kiddos at school. 
I often double the recipe.   

Maple Bar

Makes 16-20  
But often I cut them in different sizes: little ones for nibbles and some big ones for serious sugar rush

½ cup butter, softened (1 stick)
1 egg
½ cup good quality maple syrup
1 cup light brown sugar, packed
1 teaspoon maple extract
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups flour
½ teaspoon baking soda
pinch of salt

1 cup butter, softened (2 sticks)
3 cups powdered sugar, sifted (may need more)
¼ cup good quality maple syrup
½ teaspoon maple extract
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
pinch of salt

Cream the butter and brown sugar.  Blend in the egg, flavorings and syrup.  Add the dry ingredients and cream together.  Spray a 9 x 13 pan with baking spray, and spread the cookie dough evenly in the pan.  Bake at 350 degrees for 18-20 minutes.  Remove from oven and cool.

While bars are baking, mix together the ingredients for the frosting.  If it seems too soft, add in another ½ cup of powdered sugar.  When the cookies are COMPLETELY cool, spread the frosting.  Cut and serve.  I store the bars in the fridge and bring them to room temperature to serve (although perfectly fine eaten directly from fridge).


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